[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You prevent cavities and gum disease if you brush your teeth twice daily and floss regularly. However, you are more likely to get periodontal disease or gum disease if you don’t practice good oral hygiene. That is why we provide gum disease treatment in Allen, Texas. 



Let’s start by defining gingivitis. Gingivitis is, in fact, the first sign of periodontal disease. Your gums become red, painful, and inflamed due to gingivitis. If untreated, gingivitis can cause tooth loss in the long run due to loss of bone supporting the teeth, loss of gum tissue, and other complications.


So, what causes gingivitis? Plaque and bacteria that accumulate near the gums are the main contributors to gingivitis. When plaque (the sticky film that forms on your teeth) breaks down, it produces acids that eat away at the enamel of your teeth and lead to decay. Remember that gingivitis can be corrected if you can detect it in time. It will, however, develop into periodontal disease if untreated.


Periodontal Disease (Gum Disease)

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection brought on by bacteria. The gum infection spreads into the supporting structures and further into the tissues. The teeth become loose, bone is lost, and tissue is detached. A thorough cleaning and potential grafting are essential to save your teeth before it is too late.


Why You Should Get Gum Disease Treatment

In people 65 and older, the prevalence of periodontal disease is over 70%, affecting close to 50% of the population. Your body responds to gingivitis or periodontal disease with its typical inflammatory reaction, which may cause your gums to bleed or swell. However, this doesn’t just happen in your mouth. Your blood vessels allow it to circulate throughout your entire body. When your vessels become inflamed, it can cause vascular damage, affecting your heart.

According to recent studies, several severe and chronic disorders can develop due to oral infections, including periodontitis or gum disease. Researchers have identified links between gum disease and the following problems:

The most common reason for tooth loss in older patients is periodontal disease. People should be aware that although age can increase the risk of periodontal disease, maintaining periodontal health can help preserve your natural teeth for a lifetime. While some people cannot avoid wrinkles or the need for bifocals as they get older, periodontal disease is frequently preventable.


Regular Cleanings vs. Deep Cleanings

Preventative care entails routine cleaning. A regular cleaning indicates that you are free of periodontal disease and that your teeth, gums, and bone are all in good health. It’s crucial never to skip an appointment because routine cleaning helps maintain oral health. It would be best if you also visited frequently because missing appointments can result in plaque, tartar, and bacterial growth.

When routine cleaning is insufficient, deep cleaning should be the next step. Deep cleaning halts the progression of periodontal disease. Attending your deep cleanings is crucial since the disease can wreak havoc on your gums and teeth without them.


Effective Allen, Texas Gum Disease Treatment

Dr. Nylander will likely advise a deep cleaning procedure if you have just received a gum disease diagnosis. This procedure, also referred to as scaling and root planing, removes plaque and bacteria that have built up in the spaces between the gums and teeth. A unique instrument will eliminate the plaque from your tooth’s crown to the root. We can effectively control gum disease-related inflammation by scaling and root planing.


Schedule An Appointment

You owe it to yourself to get treatment for gum disease as soon as symptoms appear, if not earlier. Even if you have underlying medical conditions, bleeding gums are abnormal. Make routine appointments with us for preventative care. Visit Allen Dentistry in Allen, Texas, to schedule your periodontal examination![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]